12-Month Transformation

12-Month Transformation

Change the way you approach your health by focusing on the long-term vs "right now".

Commit yourself to the full program & utilize our members-only social media community. Not only will you receive guidance from Essential Fitness leaders but also additional tips & support through like-minded Essential Fitness members.

Through the full program you will get results & keep results & become an example for others to follow. Maintain constant access through any device, from anywhere, at any time.

  • Discover what your body is truly capable of by following a combined method of:
    • Increasing overall strength, mobility in the joints, flexibility in the muscles as well as enhancing general balance & coordination
  • Utilizing 100% bodyweight exercises in “follow along” videos, you will safely stimulate muscle and set your body up to burn fat (in other words, lose weight AND drop unwanted inches!)
  • Shift your mindset regarding food by gaining the skills you need to form new habits around healthy eating & making better food choices
  • Learn the science behind food & how to properly fuel your body without using a "diet" or gimmicks

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